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Meet Jack, a welcome addition to the dotcraft team

As dotcraft continues to scale, we welcome to the team Jack.
Jack brings a wealth of experience to the team as our new Project Director and we're keen to share what lies ahead for us and Jack

Welcome to the team Jack, we like to do a little Q&A with all our newest team members, we love a good chat, so here goes

What made you choose dotcraft as the next step in your career path?

The challenge, from day 1 of speaking with the founders I could see where my experience could help compliment what was already a blossoming company. I instantly warmed to the ethos and culture of the team and shared a similar vision that I believe could be achieved together. 

What do you think makes an excellent Project Director?

Cool, Calm and Collective. I refer to the words of Rudyard Kipling, 'If' , that I think sits well with the life of working in the heat of delivery.

Tell us about your most challenging project to date?

I've had a few challenges in my journey, a few late nights, early mornings and a tower of coffee cups working with my team to get things back on track; but rather than pull a challenge out the hat, it's the learnings that I take the most reward from. One of the key things I've learnt now is identifying the smoke before the fire kicks in, it's a lot smoother to tackle something that's potentially going to go off the rails rather than something that's already cascading off a cliff. 

What can our clients look forward to when you take the reins of your first project?

A good listener, with expertise in delivery. I'll share your vision, and we'll achieve your goals.

What is the one most important thing you think a successful project needs to have?

Clarity & Collaboration. Written and spoken communication is key to keeping a project healthy and project team happy.

What are you looking forward to most about working at dotcraft?

Working with great teams internally & externally. I've already had a great start, meeting some multi-talented and fun people. 

(Random question generator) What's the best meal you've ever had?

A selection of plates in a family run business in Positanto, Italy. To say I left full would be an understatement, but satisfied 100%

Sebastian Leonhardt
Sebastian Leonhardt

Finally, what question would you like to ask the next new team member?

What's one of your favourite movie quotes?