Optimizely Data Platform Blog

Find out more about the Optimizely Data Platform and how it can benefit your business.

Forbes and KPMG report that 84% of CEOs are concerned with the quality of their data. Common issues include missing critical data or dealing with outdated information, erroneous or unverified data, and a lack of data-driven insights. Having dedicated resources for data management or a Customer Data Platform (CDP) – packaged software that allows you to generate a single picture of your customers and prospects – is one way to address these issues. Optimizely has launched the ODP to help resolve issues with the quality of data.

What is the ODP?

ODP is an abbreviation for Optimizely Data Platform. It is a customer data platform (CDP), a programme that maintains and generates unified customer profiles. With the ODP, businesses have a holistic, unified view of what people are doing across numerous platforms, including their websites and apps.

With this platform, you can enhance the customer experience by adding content and insights to data, rather than spending hours on data extraction and integration.

What can the ODP platform do?

With the Optimizely Data Platform, you and your team are able to automate the following four tasks:

Collect data: The ODP collects data from virtually all programmes, including CRM (customer relationship management) applications, payment systems, and email marketing campaigns.

Governing data: Using open-source and proprietary data standards, the ODP can analyse and classify the dependability of incoming data by guaranteeing that the data obtained is real. On the basis of consumer privacy regulations, the platform can be used to restrict access to particular data.

Synthesizing data: The platform will categorise data for simple access and evaluation. As the ODP continuously synthesises data, customer segmentation enables the creation and real-time update of client profiles. In addition, the ODP can identify existing clients in anonymous profiles by searching for different shopping behaviours. Existing data can be effortlessly combined with anonymous profiles to produce a more comprehensive consumer profile.

The ODP can be integrated with all customer communication, sales, and analytical applications, including CRMs, social media accounts, websites and landing pages, as well as data analysis and visualisation tools. You may work directly and immediately with the software your team utilises on a daily basis.

What are the benefits of ODP?

Build unified customer profiles

The ODP is essentially a hub for consolidating data from your whole data environment. It then standardises and converts first-party data by matching individual customer IDs from various systems and integrating them into a single, consistent, and accurate customer profile.

However, it does not end there. The platform features more than 50 pre-built interface connectors, including Optimizely DXP, Magento, Shopify, Google Ads, Facebook, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, and Mailchimp. This information can then be paired with data gathered from visitor searches or page navigation to gain a far deeper understanding of how your clients prefer to connect with your business. In the case of anonymous identifiers, ODP can employ identity stitching to match unique identifiers across systems, enabling a unified view of client profiles.

In addition, the platform continuously collects fresh data and maintains an ongoing, up-to-date client interaction history. You may rest assured that data is immediately harmonised and unified.

Having data in one location reduces the time and effort required to compile information. With your customer profiles centralised in one location, you will have a more comprehensive insight of your customers' journey and be able to act on opportunities with greater impact and return on investment.

Deliver personalised experiences

Personalisation has become the foundational service of the digital economy because of the integration of AI and machine learning into our everyday life.

AI and machine learning are key components of the ODP. With this functionality, data is continuously gathered from a variety of data channels, categorised, and updated in real time, hence enhancing the visibility of your customer profiles.

This ongoing data collection and updating enables a more dynamic customisation of your website based on the behaviour of your clients. Customers' communications, content, and product recommendations can be tailored, eliminating the need for manual configurations, or educated guesses.

Not certain where to start? Consider initiating a personalised abandoned cart email campaign. ODP provides 125 pre-configured recipes that may be used to develop an email campaign that targets customers whose order likelihood has been evaluated by ODP to be "Likely," "Very Likely," or "Extremely Likely." Additionally, you and your team may construct a modal popup to add users to your email list and set restrictions to prevent users from seeing the campaign too frequently.

In addition, you can simply develop omnichannel campaigns with journey orchestration as an add-on, which includes both email campaigns and SMS campaigns. This allows you to reach your clients where they are, with the appropriate message, at the appropriate time.

And with analytics augmented by AI and machine learning-driven predictions, it will be simpler to anticipate client behaviour. You can simply anticipate each client's real-time intent to design campaigns with more appropriate messages and translate data into profitable consumer engagement.

Get actionable insights

The ODP will reformat customer profile data to support a range of marketing processes and systems, including CRM, analytics, marketing automation, A/B testing, content generation, and social media outreach, to name a few. Then, you and your team can construct multiple segments based on various consumer preferences and behaviours, and take advantage of these segments by:

  • Diversifying and presenting a variety of content on your website.
  • Sending customised abandoned basket emails based on customer segmentation to re-engage clients in the purchasing path.
  • Implementing multichannel campaigns (emails, SMS).
  • Utilizing various social media advertisements based on the segments.
  • Displaying customised exit prompts

With harmonised data sharing, you are presented with data science-driven insights from the customer's perspective. This enables you to gain a deeper insight of each customer's lifetime worth and average order value, as well as identify ways to boost customer happiness.

What are the differences between the data core service (DCS) and ODP?

Data Core Solution (DCS) is a no-cost service that enables Optimizely cloud customers (content, commerce, B2B, or experimentation) to migrate to a Customer Data Platform and begin centralising and analysing their data. Among the primary distinctions between DCS and ODP are:

  • DCS only harmonises data from Optimizely products and offers access to analytics that are view-only.
  • DCS only accepts data from external systems through REST APIs.
  • DCS service lacks data activation capabilities.
  • Since the first quarter of 2022, the Data Core Service has been accessible to a maximum of 250,000 monthly active users. You may quickly upgrade to ODP if your user base exceeds this limit or if you want access to additional capabilities like as segmentation and machine learning-driven forecasts.

For further information about how Optimizely can support your business, please contact our team.